
Our service user sessions have been open for a whole month! Feedback from our gentle and phased re-opening of service user sessions has been great, and is showing that our careful plans are working to support people back at Workbridge and keep them safe.

We’re pleased to announce in September additional sessions for service users, including full days in certain departments, and the re-introduction of our lunch service at the Braye Centre.

Welcome back service users - it’s great to have you back with us, seeing friends, learning skills and developing confidence! Watch our service user video filmed in Workbridge Contracting in August 2020.

A summary of July and August service user sessions:

  • - Workbridge re-opened sessions for service users at the end of July 2020 after the easing of covid lockdown in the UK.
  • - New covid safety and hygiene measures and a carefully phased return plan meant that service users were offered half days in the week initially, either morning or afternoon, as part of a gentle and phased re-opening of services.
  • - We welcomed many of our service users back in July and August, and we look forward to welcoming more individuals back to Workbridge during September too.


What's new for September:

  • - We have contacted individual service users and their families / care professionals to offer an amended timetable, including full day sessions where we can accomodate this at Workbridge.
  • - We will be offering a lunch service in September - Monday to Thursday for individuals who are attending a full day session with us.