
We are carefully planning the re-opening of our centre in Northampton, now that the government has announced an easing of covid restrictions. We can now confirm that we are set to re-open our departments again gradually towards the end of July 2020, with further departments across Workbridge to follow.

Our dedicated team of staff have been keeping in touch with service users and carers and keeping them regularly informed throughout lockdown. They have also been supporting the wider charity of St Andrew’s Healthcare and their colleagues across Workbridge in the garden centre, charity shop and coffee shop.


Keeping you safe at Workbridge


We are currently implementing the final changes of our important safety measures inside our centre to stay covid secure - led by the input and advice of our internal Infection Control and Health and Safety Teams at St Andrew’s Healthcare. These changes will be shared with all of our service users directly.

You can find out what we've been up to in this short video - which provides further information on keeping our service users safe at Workbridge:

We will be in touch with our service users, parents and carers by email and letter from the end of this week to discuss timetabling their sessions with them.


Providing reassurance on your return to Workbridge:

Becky Phillips, Service Manager at Workbridge said:


“We would like to reassure all service users, families and carers of the safety measures we are putting in place. We have made changes day to day, which we will be sharing with you in advance of your first session back. We have really missed everyone and we can’t wait to welcome you back with us.”


Helen Wright, Head of Workbridge said:


 “I am very much looking forward to welcoming the first group of our service users back in July. Our re-opening will be gentle and not everyone will be in Workbridge at one time. We have carefully planned how sessions will work and the layout of departments to make sure we keep everyone safe and confident, and that we respect the new social rules around covid restrictions.”

Service users and carers, please look out for further communication this week to your correspondence address.

Further information: