
We've opened a new bakery for service users

We have opened a small on-site bakery, which will allow our service users the opportunity to learn new vocational skills in a supportive environment.

Located within St Andrew's Healthcare, Northampton, the bakery recently opened its doors for the first time, and patients and staff had the opportunity to take a tour, try some kneading, and taste some freshly baked samples of garlic focaccia, white loaves and multigrain breads.

The bakery aims to provide work opportunities for patients, and we are collaborating with St Andrew's Healthcare's catering team to provide this service.

Gareth Waters, Head of Restaurants and Catering at St Andrew's, explained: “Baking is known to be a great therapeutic activity for people with mental health illnesses, as described in the ‘Rising Up’ report published in 2013.

“The first stage is to open the bakery one day a week, and it is intended that the bread made on this day will be served to patients on wards. If the bakery is successful we hope to extend the opening hours, and one day provide bread to the whole site and sell to staff.”

Dale Leah, Catering Team Vocational Skills Instructor, added: “Over 80 people came along and we had great feedback. Their faces said it all, and I can’t wait to start the sessions.”

Click here to find out more about our vocational opportunities