During the summer, judges from Northampton in Bloom came to visit Workbridge as part of their tour of Northampton. The judges visited our garden centre and saw some of the activities that our team of skilled instructors and service users participate in.
This month we received our official certificate and acknowledgment that we won Gold!
In their judges’ notes, the organisers of Northampton in Bloom said “Workbridge gave the judges a wonderful tour of the site and so much information about the way they work in the centre and why it is so important. Thank you for your wonderful support and for helping all the communities that come to you for advice with their planting schemes”.
Chloe While, Service Manager at Workbridge said:
“We’re very proud to have achieved this standard with Northampton in Bloom. Credit to our team who work hard each day to upskill our service users in horticulture and retail at the garden centre. We pride ourselves on our care and attention nurturing home grown plants and offering our expertise and it’s nice to be acknowledged for that!”