
Vocational opportunities for over 40 years

Workbridge was established over 40 years ago to offer a vocational pathway for people with mental illness, autism, learning disability or brain injury. Evolving over the years to add educational learning, Workbridge provides opportunities for people to build life, vocational and employment skills.

Workbridge is part of St Andrew's Healthcare, a leading mental health charity in the UK.

For Recruitment opportunities at Workbridge, please visit St Andrew's Career page.

For Volunteering opportunities at Workbridge, please visit St Andrew's Voluntary Services page.

For any compliments or complaints, please visit St Andrew's Feedback page.

Workbridge Shop & Studio is kindly sponsored by the Michael Jones Jeweller Community Fund. The late Michael Jones was a founding member of Workbridge.

What Workbridge means to me

Watch our video to see what Workbridge means to the people who work, volunteer and attend our vocational sessions. 

Please note: The consent of staff and service users in this video was given at the time of filming. Staff and service users in the video may have changed since this video was made.